Sunday, April 19, 2009


Oh hai.

I haven't updated in a while because I am slack.

Holidays are technically over today, which is a shame, huge shame.

But yes, main reason I am writing this is because a few people have asked what my opinion on Nadya Suleman (Octo-mum) is, even though the initial people who asked for my opinion don't use blogspot. Oh well.

In one word, my opinion on her is: Greedy.
She is a greedy, selfish git. She has 14 children, with not enough support or room to tend and care for them. She seems to me like the type of person, who, as soon as they get bored of something they get something new to replace it. She presented this type of behavior with her first 6 children and the now arrival of 8 more. She wanted media attention, she wanted a taste of the limelight, she wanted to be fussed over. Well you got fussed over, now you're saying you're sick of the media? Typical twat.

She has had a her 15 minutes of fame, I'm sick of hearing about her. If it was up to me, I'd take away half her children. She obviously has herself in way too deep, but doesn't want to admit it. Nadya is now also requesting a documentary based around her life. No. Why. If you yourself has said this wasn't for publicity why would you publicise yourself with a documentary series? Yeah, well thought through that one was.

So there's my two cents; Greedy, uneducated over publicised twat.

Moving along, I'm about to rage if I hear the words "WORK EXPERIENCE" again. No places I have rung take kids my age or they don't even do work experience, ORRR when they do conduct work experience it's too late.


I'm currently working on a new music project, I've written a few songs for it but writers block has plagued me since the start of this year, so I'm SLIGHTLY PESSED.

Uhmm, oh yeah, thought I just might add here that I think Kim Jong Il is a fuckhead. If you have no idea who Kim Jong Il is, I suggest you google him. He's a complete wanker. I could go on, but I don't want to incite a History lesson.

Oh yeah, I might as well add a shout out to Liam to make him feel special.
Hi Liam, go back /b/ and stop spamming up /s/. kthx.
No I kid. Stay in /s/ and send me your /s/ folder. :)
And stop watching V for Vendetta. Jeez.



Yeah that's all from me.

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